

2021-04-22    07'58''

主播: Albert英语研习社

252 1

French luxury house Chanel on Wednesday lost its trademark fight with Huawei Technologies after a top European court said their logos bear no similarity to each other. The dispute dated to 2017 when Huawei sought approval from the EU Intellectual Property Office, a trademark body, to register its computer hardware trademark which has two vertical interlocking semi-circles. 周邦琴Albert ●没有名牌大学背景,没有英语专业背景 ●没有国外留学经历,没有英语生活环境 ●22岁成为500强公司英文讲师,录音素材全球员工使用 ●自学成为同声传译,25岁为瑞士总统翻译