「3DRap」一本正经的秀性感 Sketch Plane

「3DRap」一本正经的秀性感 Sketch Plane

2016-09-26    03'45''

主播: ZEM音乐

9722 147

大气磅礴的开头,一秒带你走入大片即视感。可是一开口却是你想不到的rap,Cam Kelley有力的rap加上优美伴奏,给你意想不到的听觉享受。 歌曲:Sketch Plane 专辑:Sincere Sarcasm 艺人:Cam Kelley 3D制作:ZEM Sittin' here, breathing deeply, fucking ready to go 坐在这里,深呼吸,我他妈的准备好了 Been standing here blankly for an hour, can't say goodbye or hello 面无表情的站在这里一个小时,既没有再见也没有你好 It's like solitary confinement, just need someone to hold 这就像独居监禁,只是需要有人约束 I'm not as brave as I'm portrayed, I need to be told to be bold 我并不像我所描绘的那样勇敢,我需要被鼓励要做一个勇敢的人 Comin' in hot, I'm alone, no support 即将到来的激情,我独自一人却没人支撑 Packed my bags, said hello to the airport 收拾我的行李,向机场问好 I hope they board up my room and keep it empty 我希望他们用木板围住我的空房间 Because fillin' my space ain't that damn easy 因为弥补我的空虚是那么该死的不容易 My frontier awaits, I'm a soldier trecking solo 我在边域之城等待着, 我是独行的艰苦战士 Leaving all the past shit down below 让所有的过去随风而逝