

2017-06-05    07'34''

主播: 围炉夜读

132 9

     G,代表general audience 无年龄限制:   Nothing that would offend parents for viewing by children。   老爸老妈可以放心地让孩子看   PG,代表parental guidance suggested 家长指导级   Parents urged to give parental guidance. May contain some material parents might no like for their young children。   PG级别的内容可能包含一些不适合孩子独自观看的部分。   PG-13,代表parents strongly cautioned 特别辅导级   Parents are urged to be cautious. Some material may be inappropriate for pre-teenagers。   强烈建议家长监督,此级别可能不适合13岁以下未成年人观看。 R,代表restricted,限制级   Contains some adult material. Parents are urged to learn more about the film before taking their young children with them。   包含成人内容,家长在带孩子看电影前一定要先查清楚这部电影讲什么。   NC-17,代表no one 17 and under admitted,17岁以下禁止观看   Patently adult, children are not admitted。   成人影片,孩童禁止观看。