【英语新闻】This Hotel Charges US$1 a Night, but Will Livestream You

【英语新闻】This Hotel Charges US$1 a Night, but Will Livestream You

2019-11-20    03'53''

主播: 小井带你说美语🌙

1920 16

Backpacking travelers, if you are traveling to Japan, this hotel might be the one for you. That is if you are willing to let millions of people watch you sleep! Even if you are travelling alone, you will never feel lonely. Yup! With just 130 yen, which is equivalent to roughly RM4.95 per night, you can book yourself a room in Fukuoka City! It’s so insanely cheap, it puts OYO to shame! The catch? Not much, you just have to allow the hotel to broadcast your every action for the rest of the stay. A reporter from SoraNews24 decided to check it out and give it a try. Although the rooms have a much more outdated design, it is still in tiptop and comfortable condition. According to the hotel owner, the cheap price comes from the fact that the rooms were rarely booked. Thus, to avoid money loss, they’re offering the rooms at a steal. At the very least, they do warn you not to lounge around in nude. The rooms are also very minimal furnished, allowing people to admire you completely. If it makes you feel any better, at least the cameras do not have any microphones, so no one can eavesdrop on you. They don’t have a built-in toilet or bathroom in each room though, so you have to share the toilet and bathroom with the rest of the guests. You can watch the livestream on their YouTube channel, called One Dollar Hotel. If you’re curious enough, that is. If you are planning to travel with a very tight budget, would you be keen on this? You can definitely save some money, but your privacy will be thrown out of the window.