【英语新闻】Serving Chopsticks and Spoons

【英语新闻】Serving Chopsticks and Spoons

2020-03-18    00'43''

主播: 小井带你说美语🌙

2072 14

Diners will not be allowed to sit face-to-face in restaurants and canteens in Beijing during the coronavirus outbreak, according to the latest government notice. 最新版服务指引提出,新冠肺炎疫情期间,在北京各类餐饮门店就餐时不得面对面就坐。 The guidelines also asked outlets of catering firms and canteens of government units and institutes to place dining tables at an interval of at least 1 meter. 指引同时要求,餐饮企业及单位食堂餐桌间隔要在1米以上。