cann't ... enough 表示再怎么样也不为过!越怎样越好!

cann't ... enough 表示再怎么样也不为过!越怎样越好!

2017-01-21    02'31''

主播: 🍀May

266 4

cann't ... enough 表示再怎么样也不为过!越怎样越好! You can never be careful enough when you are shooting such a movie. 在拍这样的戏时,你是该越小心越好啊! 在你过马路时,你是越小心越好! You can’t be careful enough while crossing the street. Or:You can never be careful enough while crossing the street. 再比如:我们无论怎样感谢他也不过分! We cann't thank him enough . 我喜欢,再多也吃不够! I like it! I can't eat enough! Good night! Sweet dream! Bye!
上一期: It's up to you
下一期: can't... too/too much