重感冒 have a bad cold/catch a cold
卧床休息 stay in bed
头疼have a headache
发烧have a temperature /fever
躺床上/卧病在床 be in bed
觉得不舒服 feel ill
请医生 call a doctor
一些好消息 some good news
看上去病了/不舒服 look ill
医生的电话号码 the doctor's phone number
给我看看舌头 show me your tongue
show your tongue to me
吃一片阿斯匹林 take an aspirin
看牙医 see a dentist
得了腮腺炎 have mumps
患麻诊 have measles
流行感冒have flu
胃痛have a stomachache
耳朵疼have an earache
嗓子疼have a sore throat
后背疼have a sore back
牙疼have a toothache
△他们怎么了? What's the matter with them?
△ 他们该怎么办?What must they do?
躺下休息lie down and have a rest
多喝热水drink more water
多锻炼do more exercises
少吃糖eat less candies
加蜂蜜的热茶hot tea with honey
吃药take some medicine