【day 25】Believe in yourself

【day 25】Believe in yourself

2021-11-09    01'55''

主播: 杨柳青青

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1. It's going to be a struggle. It's going to be hard. But that is an incredible thing, because you are going to figure it out. You will pull through. You have enough time. you have enough resources. You have enough commitment. 这个过程将会很痛苦,很困难,但是这将变成一个奇迹,因为你最终会处理好眼前的难题,渡过难关。你有足够的时间,足够的资源,足够的投入。 2. Believe in yourself. You will figure things out. When tomorrow comes, you might not know what steps to take, but believe in yourself. Steer your own ship. It's your life. Take control. 相信自己,你会处理好一切。对于未来,也许你不知道要怎样走下去,但是你要相信自己,走好你自己的路。这是你的人生,你的人生你做主。