【day 27】Do what pushes you

【day 27】Do what pushes you

2021-11-11    02'28''

主播: 杨柳青青

22 0

1. Positive experience is easy to handle. It's negative experience that we all, by definition, struggle with. 快乐的经历容易让人感到安逸,而那些糟糕的经历,才是我们都要努力面对的。 2. Therefore, what we get out of life is not determined by the good feelings we desire, but by what bad feelings we're willing and able to sustain to get us to those good feelings. 所以,在人生中,那些积极的事情,并不会决定我们的收获,而那些我们愿意去、并且能够去忍受的糟糕经历,才会让我们得到最终的快乐。 3. So, sure, find a job that's going to make you happy in the long term. But for today, don't do what makes you happy. 所以,要找到能让你长期快乐的工作。但是,就今天而言,不要做那些让你享乐的事情。 4. Do what challenges you. Do what pushes you. Do what makes you better. 做能够挑战你的事情,做能够鞭策你的事情,做能够让你变得更优秀的事情。