【day 46】It was all worth it

【day 46】It was all worth it

2021-11-30    02'10''

主播: 杨柳青青

72 1

Smile on and say nothing. All you're required to do is listen. Listen and let them seek your voice. Let them find it hard to figure you out, you just live your life to the fullest. 保持微笑,保持沉默,你要做的,就是仔细聆听。仔细聆听,让他们找寻你的声音,让他们觉得你是个捉摸不透的人,活出你自己的精彩。 As you work at it brick by brick, you might start out awfully inefficient and incompetent at studying. 你付出点点滴滴的努力,也许一开始的时候你学得不太好。 But being willing to put in the work, and grind it out, and becoming someone who people actually look up to and admire。 但是,只要你愿意付出,愿意用功,最后人们都会佩服你,欣赏你。 At that moment in your life, you'll realize it was worth it. All the pain, the suffering, the late-night study grinds. It was all worth it. 到那时,你就会知道,一切都是值得的。曾经的痛苦,磨练,无数个努力学习的不眠之夜,都是值得的。