【day 47】Being real做真实的自己

【day 47】Being real做真实的自己

2021-12-07    02'03''

主播: 杨柳青青

51 0

Being real, being yourself is the greatest filter you could ever use. 做真实的自己,是最好的过滤器。 It instantly filters out all the people that don't belong with you. And at the same time, it reveals those who do. 做真实的自己,那些和你志不同、道不合的人,就不会出现在你的生活里。同时,与你志同道合的人,也会出现。 Be yourself. No matter what has happened to you, no matter who has hurt you, no matter what you believe, be yourself and be kind to others. 做真实的自己。无论发生了什么,无论谁伤害了你,无论你的信仰是什么,你都要做真实的自己,同时要友善对待他人。 If you do that, life will turn out far greater than you ever thought possible. If you don't, life will be painful. 如果你能这样做,你的生活会变得很好,比你想象中的还要好。如果你做不到,你的生活就会变得很痛苦。