【61】Where there is a will there is a way

【61】Where there is a will there is a way

2021-12-27    01'44''

主播: 杨柳青青

235 1

Remember: What you give your attention to will become your experience in life. 记住,你的关注点在哪里,你的成长就在哪里。 Practice seeing the good in your life, and in others. Think the best, expect the best and always ask yourself how can this benefit my life. 多关注生命中美好的人和事,思考最好的,期待最好的,而且时刻问自己,这件事怎样才能让我的生命受益? Where there is a will there is a way. 有志者,事竟成。 Leave who you were. Love who you are and look forward to who you will become. 接纳过去的自己,爱现在的自己,期待将来的自己。