Biscuit loves the library

Biscuit loves the library

2017-12-23    02'30''

主播: Cherry满满

77 1

It's a very special day at the library,Biscuit. Woof, woof! It's Read to a Pet Day! I can read to you,Biscuit. Woof, woof! Come along,Biscuit. Let's find a book. Woof, woof! See, Biscuit? There are books about bunnies and bears. Woof, woof! And big dinosaurs, too! Woof! Funny puppy! That's not a real bone! Woof, woof! Look, Biscuit. There are more books over here. Woof, woof! Biscuit! Where are you? Woof! You found the puppets, Biscuit. Woof, woof! And you even found stories we can listen to. Woof! Now, which book will it be? Woof, woof! Biscuit! Wait for me! Woof! Oh,Biscuit! You found the librarian and a book that's just right. Woof,woof! You found a cozy spot filled with friends, too. Everyone loves the library, Biscuit. Woof, woof! Let's read! Woof!
上一期: Biscuit Flies a Kites
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