Science - Your skin and bones

Science - Your skin and bones

2018-10-31    10'55''

主播: 少儿英语启蒙 - ICE Fancy

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Your skin and bones Chapter 1 Your skin Skin comes in many beautiful shades! Do you know what is beneath it? Bones! In this book, you will learn all about your skin and bones. Layers of skin Let's start with your skin. It has three different layers. The layers help keep dirt and germs out of your body. You use your skin to feel. Your skin lets you know if something is smooth or rough. Your skin warns you if something is cold or hot. Your skin also helps you stay warm. Have you ever had goose bumps? That is your skin working to warm you up. Chapter 2 Your bones Squeeze your hand. Can you feel the bones beneath your skin? They are hard like rocks. But they are also alive. They grow as you grow. Touch your head. Can you feel your skull? Your skull has an important job to do. It protects your brain. Run your finger along the middle of your back. Those little bumps are your spine. Your spine helps you bend over and stand up straight. Skeleton Your bones all fit together to make a skeleton. Each bone has a special name. Here are some of the names. Chapter 3 Healthy skin and bones Your skin keeps you covered and warm. So you need to take good care of it. How? Keep it clean! What should you do if you get a cut? First, clean it. Then, put on a bandage. This will help prevent it from getting infected. Even though your bones are inside your body, you need to keep them healthy, too What can you do? Eat and drink foods that have lots of calcium. Your skin and bones are important. Caring for them will help you grow strong.