DI 6 population of Litchfield between 1901 and 2011

DI 6 population of Litchfield between 1901 and 2011

2017-12-24    00'38''

主播: 海外东方学院

114 11

This is a line chart illustrating the population of Litchfield between 1901 and 2011. As we can see from the graph, the population was relatively low at the start of the twentieth century, measuring only 7500. It increased gradually until the 1950s to approximately 10,000. 1951 marked the beginning of a period of rapid growth and over the next few decades, the number of residents skyrocketed past 30,000. If these trends continue, we can expect the population to continue rising in the foreseeable future. I think this picture is very educational and informative