DI 33  countries by GDP (PPP) per capita in 2014

DI 33 countries by GDP (PPP) per capita in 2014

2017-12-24    00'57''

主播: 海外东方学院

94 12

This map shows countries by GDP (PPP) per capita in 2014. This may be a picture coming from National Geography. From the graph, we can see clearly that the largest figure can be found in the area marked in black, which include the USA and somewhere in the middle-east and see a figure of more than 50,000 dollars, and this is followed closely by the area marked in dark green, which include Australia and Canada and see a figure of between 35,000 and 50,000 dollars. The smallest figure can be found in the area marked in yellow, which include most parts of Africa and see a figure of under 2000 dollars. Overall, it is clear that the largest figure goes to the area marked in black, while the smallest figure goes to the area marked in yellow.