

2018-04-20    09'32''

主播: voice of chunxia

238 3

小词大用:set 你在哪里见到这个词?相机机身上? 手机的“设置”? 阿宝的故事,串起set一串儿! Abao set his alarm at 6:00 the night before.The next early morning,he got up at 5:00,set all the tables well in the restaurant.Then he set out on his journey.When the sun began to set,Abao reached his dreamland,Shaolin Temple,which sets in the Shaoshi Mountains . His Shifu,the buddhist abbot told him:you’ll never get anywhere if you don't set yourself a goal. Abao practised hard.He became a Kongfu master finally. 阿宝头天晚上设好了六点的闹钟,第二天一早,他五点起床,把店里的座椅收拾停当。随后,他踏上了旅程。 太阳将要落山之时,阿宝到达了他的梦想之地,坐落于少室山的少林寺。 他的师傅教导他:心有目标方有所成。阿宝苦练武功,最终成为一代大师。 set [美] [sɛt] v. 放, 置; 使处于某种状态; 给(钟表)调时间; 校准(钟表); 凝结; 凝固; (太阳、月亮等天体)落下; 下沉; (潮水, 水流)流向; 〈主北美〉生(火), 点(火); (花, 树)结(果实); 〈非正式, 方〉坐 n. 一组; 一套; 一副; 摆放方式, 样子; (无线电或电视的)接收器; (戏剧或电影的)布景; (种植用)插条; 苗; 球茎; (墙上)末道灰泥 adj. 预先确定(或安排)的; 准备好的, 准备做的