

2018-05-10    09'10''

主播: voice of chunxia

394 9

小词大用:take的故事 小故事里一共有六个take,意思各不相同。你也试着讲讲这个故事并加上续集吧,轻松掌握万金油take! Xiaoye’s family lived in a remote mountain which was pretty undeveloped.Xiaoye’s father decided to go to city to make a living.He told his daughter:Don’t cry,I’ll take gifts back for you. 小叶一家住在偏僻的山区,那里很是落后,小叶的爸爸决定去城市谋生。他对女儿说:不要哭,爸爸回来会给你带礼物的。 He took a bus first ,then a train.It took him two whole days to arrive in Guangzhou.It was so hot there,he took a bath in a river.A man came over and spoke something to him,but ACheng could not take it!It turned out ,the man took him as a tramp! 他先是乘坐了大巴,,然后又是火车,总共花了两天时间才到达广州。广州太热了,阿诚在小河里洗了个澡,一个男的走过来说着什么,但是阿诚听不懂,后来才知道,他把阿诚当流浪汉了!