小词大用 take 的故事 2

小词大用 take 的故事 2

2018-05-18    09'53''

主播: voice of chunxia

545 7

小词大用:take的故事 After he figured out what took place ,the man told Acheng:Young man,Just take my advice,go back as soon as you can,life is tough everywhere. 弄清楚发生了什么之后,那男的说,年轻人,听我的建议,赶紧回去吧!哪儿的生活不难呐! With his head lowered,Acheng sobbed:Disease took my parents last year,and my family had run up a debt nearly 20000yuan for medical treatment.We have nothing but a little field to live on. 阿诚低着头,有些哽咽,他说,我父母去年因病都不在了,家里为看病借了近2万元的债.除了几亩薄田,没有谋生的路子。 A kind-looking woman handed over a bottle of water:Take it first,you must be thirsty.I have some manual jobs,maybe you can take on. 一位长相善良的女人递过一瓶水,她对阿诚说:先喝口水,你一定渴了,我倒是有些力气活,说不定你可以做。 tough 艰难,困难,棘手的 take place 发生 manual 手工的,体力的 名词:手册、指南 take on 从事,做(某项工作)