走遍世界 旅游口语 可跟读语音

走遍世界 旅游口语 可跟读语音

2018-06-20    04'01''

主播: voice of chunxia

847 16

走遍世界 旅游口语 航班延误 2-2 Amy: How will we know when our flight is ready to board? Ed: We'll hear an announcement over the loudspeaker. Amy: I think I'll nod off for a few minutes. Ed: Don't worry. I'll wake you up. Amy: By the way, did you notice which way our boarding gate is? Ed: You are such a worrywart. I know where the gate is. Now go to sleep! 艾德:时间很快就会过去了。 艾米:我们怎么知道什么时候开始登机? 艾德:我们会听见扩音器广播通知。 艾米:我看我先打个盹吧! 艾德:别担心,我会叫醒你的。 艾米:对了,你知道我们的登机门怎么走吗? 艾德:你真是杞人忧天。我知道登机门在哪里。现在赶快睡吧!