Nov.6 falling leaves 语音讲解

Nov.6 falling leaves 语音讲解

2018-11-06    04'12''

主播: voice of chunxia

1294 17

Craig:I see. Do you have different names for the rest of the seasons? 我明白了,那其他的季节也有不同的名字吗? Sarah:Nope. Just fall. An easy way to remember it is that fall is the beautiful time of the year when leaves fall from the trees. 不,只有秋天,一个简单的记忆方法是,秋季是一年中可以欣赏落叶的美丽时光。 Craig:That is easy. And you’re right: it is beautiful, but not as beautiful as you, Sara. 这么记是很容易,而且你说的没错,秋天是很美,但不如你美呀,Sara。