Dec.5 防御雾霾应对措施

Dec.5 防御雾霾应对措施

2018-12-05    06'37''

主播: voice of chunxia

1198 15

Ali:Why is that? 为什么呢? Paul:Well, partly because of coal burning to provide central heating. 可能是因为中央供暖烧煤的缘故吧。 Ali:Got it. It seems we should be very cautious to resist the smog. 明白了,看起来我们真得小心防雾霾。 Paul:Definitely!Wearing a mask,working out inside,investing in an air purifier and keeping windows closed are all effective ways. 当然!戴口罩、在室内健身、买空气净化器、关闭门窗都是有效的方式。
上一期: Dec.4 可跟读语音
下一期: Dec.5 纯语音讲解