激情夏威夷  入住海景房

激情夏威夷 入住海景房

2019-03-21    08'56''

主播: voice of chunxia

1318 17

. Oh wow!look at this view of the ocean. 哇,看看这海景。 Oh my goodness, it's so beautiful. 天哪!太美了! And the pool is right down here? 游泳池就在房间下面。 This is the perfect hotel room for us. 简直完美。 Alright panda, why don't you take a seat right here. 小熊猫,要不你就坐这儿吧。 While I wait for the bellman to bring up our luggage. 我等行李员把行李送上来。 Aloha !Aloha, 你好啊。 oh well. There you go. 给您。 Thank you. 谢谢。 Okay, let 's…let's get our bags off here. 我们把包拿下来吧。 Everything OK? 还满意吗? Everything is excellent, this room is amazing. 非常满意,这房间太棒了。 Oh, my pleasure. 很高兴为您服务。 And of course. 当然。 Anything else, okay? 别的都还好吗? Yeah, everything is excellent, thank you so much, 嗯嗯,都挺好的,非常感谢 Here’s a little something for you. 这是给你的小费。 Thank you very much,you enjoy your stay now. 谢谢,希望您住得愉快。