Haunted by Shells被贝壳🐚缠着?夏威夷禁忌

Haunted by Shells被贝壳🐚缠着?夏威夷禁忌

2019-04-04    10'05''

主播: voice of chunxia

1899 18

^_^. What sort of etiquette would you recommend for someone who's new to the island ? or are there any taboos? 你有什么礼仪方面的建议吗?对刚来岛上的人。或者有什么禁忌吗? ^_^ Well,one thing we definitely recommend is do not take any rocks or shells from the beaches. 嗯,有一件事要强烈建议,不要从沙滩上拿任何石头或者贝壳。 They say that those will haunt you, 当地人说,他们会一直缠着你。 so you want to leave nature as it is here in Hawaii. 所以不要去破坏夏威夷的自然环境。 Wow, they will haunt you? 哇,缠着你。 Yes,They will haunt you. 没错,缠着你。 Okay, so as pretty as those shells are , we just wanna leave them be. 所以虽然那些贝壳那么美,我们还是别碰他们。 Okay. Yeah. Don‘t take any shells or anything from the beach ,guys. 好的。大家不要从沙滩上拿任何石头或者贝壳哦。