走遍世界 旅游口语 在菠萝快车上欣赏美景 语音讲解

走遍世界 旅游口语 在菠萝快车上欣赏美景 语音讲解

2019-05-08    04'34''

主播: voice of chunxia

1740 16

So as we're going through the tour. 我们在观光旅游。 There’s plenty more stuff that they are growing here. 这边的作物种类很多。 Not just pineapple ,like sugarcane, avocado,and lemons and limes. 不只有菠萝,还有甘蔗、牛油果、柠檬,酸橙, And bananas, too. 还有香蕉。 Finally, you can see the pineapples there. Oh my god, 终于看到菠萝了。 it looks so dangerous out there. 天哪,那边看起来好危险。 There are just tens of thousands of these spiky plants. 哪儿种了成千上万的尖刺植物。 Oh my gosh ,imagine jumping on top of that naked. 天哪,想想脱光了跳的那些菠萝上的感觉。 Oh, that would hurt so bad. 肯定得疼死。