走遍世界 深度旅游口语 令人伤心的中国壁画

走遍世界 深度旅游口语 令人伤心的中国壁画

2019-11-07    10'07''

主播: voice of chunxia

1521 15

这幅壁画来自中国的一座寺庙。一位想卖掉这些壁画的商人,把壁画切成了小块,损毁了壁画的原貌。博物馆进行拼合,尽可能想修复完好,但是他保存的不是很好。画中人物的面目已经模糊不清了。壁画已经褪色了,如果当初采用了正确的保存方法。现在这幅画可能要美的多。能想象在那个年代,绘制巨型壁画要花多久。然而,这件艺术作品却被切成碎片。原作者肯定会感到非常难受吧。或者,你知道的,非常悲伤.. . This mural is actually from a Chinese temple. And an art dealer who wanted to sell these paintings. He cut it into pieces. And it actually ruined it a little bit. But they tried to piece it together as good as they could. But it wasn't able to be preserved very nicely. So the colors have faded. You can barely make out the images of faces If it was preserved correctly it’d probably be a lot more beautiful.In the time I could only imagine how long it must have taken to paint these,and then to have your artwork ripped into pieces might be very very gut-wrenching. Or, you know ,very sad.