美语国际音标 Lesson 23 动词后加ed,有哪三种发音?

美语国际音标 Lesson 23 动词后加ed,有哪三种发音?

2020-12-07    08'46''

主播: voice of chunxia

842 6

Lesson 23 动词加ed,怎么读? -ed结尾往往有三种发音 规则: 1⃣️ 如果动词的最后一个字母是t或d时,则要添加额外的音节, 例如: waited:-ed有一个额外的音节 2⃣️ 如果动词的最后一个字母是清辅音,则ed的发音变成了t, 例如: stopped:-ed变成了t的音 3⃣️ 如果动词的最后一个字母是浊辅音,则ed的发音变成了d, 例如: robbed:-ed变成了d的音。 例词和例句: needed, waited, painted. completed , invited; stopped, worked , passed,  watched, pushed; robbed,loved, realized, used. I painted the walls and fixed the gate. He called his friend and talked for an hour.