The first one:
I said to myself in the mirror this morning:"It's OK for you to have no girlfriend because you look so handsome.They don't match you!"my desk mate rolled his eyes at me in disdain.The whole Maury Maury morning I got a pain in my chest so I said to my desk mate ,"I got a pain in my chest. I don't know what's wrong with me ."He said:"Because you have gone against your conscience!"
The second one:
I would never speak to my desk mate anymore because he said to me today:" if ugliness could be eaten,your look could make all the Chinese eat too much to death."
The third one:
Back in Junior high school ,there was a guy who had a crush on me but he was lousy at study.One day he passed me a love letter.I was so frightened that I turned it in to my head teacher. He opened the letter and smiled :"Wow,this boy finally focused on the theme of the composition after my two-year cultivation."
The last one:
My desk mate has an ugly face but he enjoys taking selfiesOnce I couldn't stand it anymore so I said to him :"why do you like taking selfies so much ?"he rolled his eyes at me ,"With such a horrible look,who will take photos for me expect myself?"