暑期中级班第八课:How to select the best watermelons? 如何挑出最好的西瓜?
When you examine watermelons in the local grocery, you’d better look for the heaviest one for its size.
The denser the fruit, the more juice it has. 西瓜的密度越大,汁水就越多。
That's when it's at its most ripe.这也意味着西瓜熟透了。
Next ,give the underside a little smack - not aggressive enough to draw attention from grocery workers, 接着,轻轻拍一下西瓜底部,不要太用力,以免引起杂货店员工的注意,
but enough so that you can determine whether the watermelon sounds hollow.If it does ,it’s good.只要能听到西瓜声音是否空洞就够了。如果是,那证明这是一个好瓜。
If it sounds dull, like you're hitting a solid brick of material, it's overripe如果声音沉闷,就像碰到一块实心砖头一样,那就说明熟过头了
Finally , check the underside of the watermelon for the "spot". That's the yellow spot the watermelon develops by resting on the ground.最后,看西瓜的底部有没有“斑”。西瓜在生长过程中接触地面的地方会形成黄色的斑块。
If you're not confident in your watermelon evaluation abilities, there's another choice: 如果你对自己的挑瓜水平没有信心,还有另外一个选择:
Pay attention to what the owner is doing and then try to memorize it.注意瓜主是怎么挑西瓜的,然后记住它。