基础班第二课:你想吃什么What kind of food do you like

基础班第二课:你想吃什么What kind of food do you like

2018-10-14    02'03''

主播: loren(劳伦英语)

627 7

基础班第二课:你想吃什么What kind of food do you like What kind of food do you like, Candy? 你喜欢吃什么菜, I want to eat small octopus.我想吃小章鱼。 I also want to eat small eel.我也想吃小鳗鱼。 What kind of food do you like, big monster? 你喜欢吃什么菜,大怪兽? I want to eat small monster.我喜欢吃小怪兽。 I want to eat small children.我喜欢吃小朋友。 Why do you want to eat children? 你为什么喜欢吃什么小朋友? Because the children are stupid and lazy.因为小朋友又蠢又懒。 I don’t want to eat the smart children.我不想吃聪明的小朋友。 Kind 种类 Octopus 章鱼 eel 鳗鱼 monster 怪兽 lazy懒 children小孩子 stupid愚蠢的 lazy懒的 smart聪明的