高级班第二课:背诵:如何成功 (一)
Everybody wants to be successful. 人人都想成功。
We all want to make it big. 我们大家都想飞黄腾达。
But how do we get there? 但是如何才能做到呢?
First of all,you must have a goal. 首先,你必须有目标。
It must be clear-cut. 你的目标必须非常明确。
It must be your passion. 你的目标必须是你喜欢的。
You can also have many minor goals in life. 你的人生中可以有很多次要的目标。
Achieve them one at a time. 要一次一个慢慢实现。
But always stay on the track of your main goal. 但要一直朝着你的主要目标前进。
believe in yourselves. 相信自己的能力。
Your potential is unlimited. 你的潜力无限。
The world is yours to conquer. 这个世界将由你来征服。
Dream big dream. 要有远大的梦想。
Reach for the stars. 要达成不容易做到的事
The sky is your limit. 你的潜力无限大。
Commit yourselves. Dedicate yourselves. 要专心。要投入
Totally focus on your goal. 把注意力完全集中在你的目标上。
Give it your best shot. 尽你最大的努力。
To succceed,you must work like hell. 为了成功,你必须拼命工作。
You must work like a dog.尽力工作
You must work your fingers to the bone. 你必须拼命努力工作。
Tough tasks make you stronger. 困难的工作会使你更坚强。
Be willing to sweat. 要愿意付出努力。
follow the best. Select good role models.拜最好的师傅。选择好榜样。
Follow their suggestions. 听从他们的劝告。
They are your blueprints of success. 以他们的成就为你的蓝图。