本名吴成泽. 结束了了14年年的海外生活,于2013年归国, 渐渐在国内各个活动上崭露头角。在海外求学时,已是时装周和各大派对以 及音乐节的常客。现国内少数坚持用黑胶唱片播放现场的DJ,也是国内⿊胶唱片文化的推广者之一。
After 14 years overseas DJ WATERMELON returned to China in 2013. Since then he has become involved in many cultural activities and is one of the few DJs who insists on playing vinyl and actively promotes record culture in China.
作为一名狂热的唱片收藏爱好者, 音乐风格涉猎⼴广泛,很难用⼀一种风格来定 义概括。所以,大到俱乐部小到咖啡馆, 远到音乐节近到时尚秀, 在各类不同的场合和活动,皆能看到他的身影。
As an avid album collector, he explores many different music styles and has played many different venues from clubs, cafes, music festivals to fashion shows.
出身音乐世家的他从小受到专业的音乐训练,对音乐有着天生的灵性, 现场不拘泥一格, 对律动和节奏有着独特的理解, 形成了WATERMELON式特有的现场风格。
DJWATERMELON has played music since he was a child and is also a professionally trained musician. He has a natural spirituality for music and has a unique understanding of rhythm which has made a unique contribution to China’s music scene.