

2024-04-01    09'41''

主播: 英语口语家森Jason

96 0

(4495期)描述喜欢烹饪的人 Describe someone who enjoys cooking for others 我妈妈做饭很厉害 很多年啦 she has been doing this for a long time for my family, more than 20 years 传统食物 西餐食物都会 some Chinese traditional food or some foreign food, the western style fast food and so on 食材和原材料什么的 她可厉害啦 the ingredients and raw materials, I mean she's quite talented in this area 西红柿炒鸡蛋一绝 Fried eggs with tomato is the one that I love the most from mom`s kitchen 我们家人是妈妈做饭的小粉丝 we are super fan of her and her cooking skills 老妈很爱我们 I find that she's just trying to show love to us