

2024-06-04    16'55''

主播: 英语口语家森Jason

111 1

(4569期)少人去的景点 Describe a tourist attraction that few people visit but interesting 新建的郊区河边公园 it was newly built, probably it was finished two months ago you know and that's the main reason why only a few people get to know it 开车要一个多小时 挺远的 I would drive to that place and on the road I would spend more than one hour, a bit further actually, but I like it 偶遇过一些朋友 都是年轻人 假期去公园玩 but I came across some of my friends there you know, the young people, teenagers and young adults, they love spending time there on holidays and vacations 日落很美 I would see the big skies and open lands with the sunset