

2024-07-15    09'32''

主播: 英语口语家森Jason

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历史时期是三十年前 没车没互联网的时候 Mention about the topic, the historical period that I have interest is about thirty years ago when we didn't have the Internet and lots of private cars on the street 那个年代我都没出生 at the time, the period was quite different you know and I wasn't born then, but I learned something according to some videos and my parents` words and grandparents` words 好奇那个年代的业余活动I was wondering about the leisure activities at the time 那个年代的交通 走路和自行车 it’s about the means of public transportation systems, you know not a lot of private cars on street, biking and walking you know that could be the most popular ways for people to travel to somewhere