

2018-06-18    01'57''

主播: 与“秋”共读

121 7

出自里昂夜读。 He wasn't a hero Known by the world But a hero he was To his little kid 他不是英雄 举世闻名 但对于他的孩子来说 他就是一个英雄 My daddy was God Who knew all things And better than Santa With the gifts he'd bring 我的爸爸就像是上帝 他知道世间所有的事情 总是给我带来礼物 比圣诞老公公还要好 I knew his voice Before I could speak And loved it when He would sing me to sleep 在我会说话之前 我就熟悉了他的声音 我爱他的声音 他唱着催眠曲伴我入睡 He changed my diapers And sat up all night When my body was weak And I'd put up a fight 他为我换尿布 当我的身体虚弱 他就整夜守在我身边 我也会因此奋勇抗争 He taught me life's lessons Of right from wrong And instilled in me values That I might be strong 他教我如何过活 教我如何辨识对错 他向我灌输价值观 让我变得更强大 And so through the years Like a hero he stood Working to give All that he could 这么多年来 他就像个英雄 努力奉献 他所能给予的一切 His presence was important And we loved to see him smile For no one in this world Could emulate his style 他是重要的存在 我们最喜欢看他微笑 这个世界上没有任何人 可以效仿他的风格 And so, dear Dad My best memory to recall Is the gift of your presence The greatest gift of all 所以,亲爱的爸爸 我想起来的那些最美好的回忆 你的存在 就是最棒的礼物