All Good Things will Come along

All Good Things will Come along

2019-11-10    02'45''

主播: 与“秋”共读

297 1

感谢里昂夜读 All Good Things will Come along 所有美好的事物都将翩然抵临 作者:卢文丽 Writer:Lu Wenli 译者:黄少政 Translator:Huang ShaoZheng The floating wind is gentle and exhausting. Like a traveler walking through a long journey 这阵飘忽的风温柔又疲惫 像风尘仆仆的行者历经长途 It blows through the low eaves, the high walls of the princes Let the abandoned pillars of the patio get the eye-catching moss 它吹过低矮的屋檐,王侯的高墙 让天井废弃的柱础长出养眼的青苔 It wakes up the dreaming ear, underground leeks Let every house full of lights from small window, boiling soup and burning incense 它唤醒做梦的耳朵,地下的荠菜 让家家户户,小窗灯明,沐汤燃香 Its robes are large, quiet and stretched, wherever you go Everything is like a piece of silverware that is carefully polished 它的衣袍宽大,沉静舒展,所到之处 万物像一件件被细细擦亮的银器 It gives a red plum to the southern part of the country that has not been snowed. Order cherry blossom peach apricot and pear flower to step up rehearsal 它给迟迟未雪的南方捎来一枝红梅 命令樱花桃花杏花和梨花们加紧排练 It's not long before an eternal festival is coming. The burning song of the earth makes humans unable to sleep tonight 用不了多久一场永恒的盛典即将来临 大地燃烧的歌声让人类今夜无法入眠 It has blown you with a smell that seems to have met before Let your eyes slightly close, and your heart is beating like bird's singing 它带着似曾相识的气息也吹过你 让你双目微闭,心头滑落两滴鸟鸣 Worshiping beautiful things, the world is full of nostalgia All good things will come along 念及物华天宝,斯世足堪留恋 所有美好的事物都将翩然抵临