词根词缀  ir il

词根词缀 ir il

2016-10-20    04'35''

主播: 佳佳教英语

279 9

injustice [in'dʒʌstis] n.(in+ justice正义)不公正 He suffered the injustice of being punished for a crime which he did not commit.  impossible [im'pɔsəbl] a.(im+ possible可能的)不可能的 Impossible is Nothing impolite ['impə'lait] a.(im+ polite有礼貌的)无理的,粗鲁的,没有礼貌的 It is impolite to ask too many questions when you just know each other.  irregular[i'reɡjulə] a.(ir+ regular规则的)不规则的  illegal[i'li:gəl] a.(il+ legal合法的)非法的
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