unbearable [,ʌn'bεərəbl] a.(un+ bear忍受+ able)难以忍受的
unemployment[,ʌnim'plɔimənt] n.(un+ employ雇佣+ ment)失业
unemployment insurance
unconditional [ˌʌnkənˈdiʃənəl] a.(un+ condition条件+ al)无条件的
unconditional love
uncertain[,ʌn'sə:tən] a.(un+ certain确信的)不确定的
I feel deeply uncertain about the future.
unlike[,ʌn'laik] prep.(un+ like像)不像,不同
Unlike most people in the office, I don't come to work by car.
unhealthy [,ʌn'helθi] a.(un+ healthy健康的)不健康的
Avoid unhealthy foods such as hamburger and chips.
unfortunate[,ʌn'fɔ:tʃənət] a.(un+ fortunate幸运的)不幸的
Unfortunately he died at last
unfair [,ʌn'fεə] a.(un+ fair公平的)不公平的
This is unfair.
unfit [,ʌn'fit] a.(un+ fit合适的)不合适的
1. be unfit to do
2. keep fit
My doctor has said I was unfit to travel.
unusual [,ʌn'ju:ʒuəl] a.(un+ usual通常)不同寻常的
I don’t know this word, but it must be unusual.