订阅公众号: 佳佳教英语; dingdingduoyuclass.
1 红楼梦
杨戴译:A Dream of Red Mansions
霍译: The Story of the Stone
2 红尘
杨戴译:the world of men
霍译: the world of men and the world of mortals
3 怡红院
杨戴译: Happy Red Court
霍译: The House of Green Delights
4 林黛玉自觉忘情,不觉红了脸,拿袖子遮了脸,翻身向里装睡着了。
杨戴译:Blushing to think she had given herself away, Daiyu hid her face with her sleeve and turned towards the wall, pretending to be asleep.
霍译: Dai-yu realized that she had been caught off her guard. She covered her burning face with her sleeve, and turning over towards the wall, pretended to be asleep.
5 滴不尽相思血泪抛红豆,开不完春柳春花满画楼。
杨戴译:Like drops of blood fall endless tears of longing. By painted pavilion grow willows and flowers untold.
霍译: Still weeping tears of blood about our seperation: Little red love-beans of my desolation.