

2017-04-10    02'10''

主播: 星野的头发

7791 436

好久没更新了 每次看到有新的朋友留言都会很开心的~ 大家有什么想要对叉叉说的话可以给我投稿哦~期待~ 歌词【翻译:泽雨兄】 [Verse 1] 现在是中午12点【12也有警察的意思】 12 in the morning 哥以**为生 Pop shells for a livin' 条子们将每分每秒都能闻到血腥味 And berry gon' smell blood trail every minute 流氓在向你们招手 劳资分分钟击毙你们 Rogue wave on you niggas no fail when I hit 'em 看见一个条子 我会毫不犹豫的干掉他 Everytime I see a pig, I don't hesitate to kill 'em 这里没有人在乎什么规矩 Ain't nobody give a fuck about a rule 要么上大学 要么入帮派【否则无法生存下去】 Either get diplomas or a tool 和我的小弟们交情挺好的 I'mma cool with my youngins 【这里故意把cool拼成bool,表明他是Bloods/血帮的。后面也提到了Crips/瘸帮】 等到我用AK-47向你们这些崽子扫射可就不好玩了 No bool when I'm sprayin' this K at you fuckas 操翻只和我的名声有关联的帮派 Fuck a gang affiliated with nothin' but my name, man [Hook] 我才不管不怕不在意那该死的条子 I don't give a fuck about a mothafuckin po 我要掏出我的AK-47 朝你的门**去 I'mma pull up with that stick and hit your motherfuckin door 我才不管不怕不在意那该死的条子 I don't give a fuck about a mothafuckin po 我要掏出我的AK-47 朝你的门**去 I'mma pull up with that stick and hit your motherfuckin door [Verse 2] 人们饱受饥饿 People be starving 人们渴望食物 And people be killing for food 贩毒和吸毒的现象到处都是 With that crack and that spoon 但这些王八蛋天天吃大鱼大肉 But these rich mothafuckas they stay eatin' good 过着纸醉金迷的生活 Droppin' wage livin' good 手持格洛克手枪 但你只是个口含巨根的卵人 Holding steel Glocks but you been a bitch suck a thick cock 操了一个瘸子 逛着商业街就像在曼谷 Fuck a crip walk hit the strip like in Bangkok 你们不会看见我为了婊子纠结【此处MV上有误】 Never ever see me ever trip 'bout a lil broad 看见我上电视了就叫着 你他妈就一冒牌货 See me on the TV screaming "bitch you a damn fraud" 你们绝不会想惹上七哥我 And you don't wanna fuck with a chigga like me 当我停下我的玛莎拉蒂 你最好为了保住自己的头赶紧跑 When I pull up in that Maserati, better duck for your brain 用45mm口径的枪射的你血花四溅 Splatter on the concrete, I'mma hit you with that 45 然后向你的脖子射去 这一幕就像是一部惊悚片 Bullet hit your neck 'round the bowtie, looking like a thriller film 臭逼 我还会装满弹夹回到你身边 Bitch I'mma go right back with the clip in 我知道你颤抖了 别考验我了 我可能会爆了你的猪脑袋 I know you be shaking don't test me I might just click at your noggin [Hook] 我才不管不怕不在意那该死的条子 I don't give a fuck about a mothafuckin po 我要掏出我的AK-47 朝你的门**去 I'mma pull up with that stick and hit your motherfuckin door 我才不管不怕不在意那该死的条子 I don't give a fuck about a mothafuckin po 我要掏出我的AK-47 朝你的门**去 I'mma pull up with that stick and hit your motherfuckin door