Long ago, Coyote met
Rabbit in the woods.
“I can run as fast as the
wind,” Coyote bragged. “I am
the fastest animal.”
“I can run fast, too,”
said Rabbit.
“Let’s have a race,”
said Coyote.
“I am faster than
you. So I will win the race.”
Rabbit wanted to win. But
he knew Coyote ran faster.
So Rabbit asked his brothers
for help.
“Help me trick Coyote,”
said Rabbit. “Then I can win
the race.”
The race was the next day.
Rabbit said, “I will
run underground.”
“That is fine. I run faster
than you,” bragged Coyote.
“So I will win.”
The race began.
Coyote dashed off !
Rabbit jumped into a hole.
Coyote ran very fast. Then he stopped to rest.
A rabbit came out of a hole
ahead of him.
It was one of Rabbit’s brothers. But Coyote didn’t know that.
Coyote ran faster. Then he stopped to rest.
A rabbit came out of a hole
ahead of him.
It was another one of
Rabbit’s brothers. But Coyote
didn’t know that.
Coyote ran even faster. Then he stopped to rest again.
A rabbit came out of a hole ahead of him.
It was another one of Rabbit’s brothers.
But Coyote didn’t know that.
So Coyote ran. He ran as fast as the wind.
Rabbit ran, too. He ran out of the last hole. Coyote saw
Rabbit win the race!
Rabbit and his brothers laughed and laughed.
And Coyote never bragged again!