

2016-05-13    04'41''

主播: 力量英语

246 32

更多英语干货,请添加老师微信号”brendonsandford",微信公众号“powerEnglish888" SHALL – is used with the present verb tense. 用于现在进行时态。  Shall we go to London on holiday next year? 明年我们去伦敦度假吗?  I think we shall go shopping this weekend. 我想我们应该去购物这个周末。  How many people shall we invite to the party? 我们将邀请多少人来参加聚会?  Shall we go now? 我们现在去吗? Tip: We usually use SHALL with the 1st person (I) and the 2nd person (We) only. WE can use “will” instead of “shall” with the 1st , 2nd and 3rd person Shall 我们通常只使用于第一人称(I)和第二人(我们),will可以代替shall使用, 可以用于第一人称,第二人称和第三人称。 SHOULD – can be used with the past tense, the present tense and the future verb tense. Should-可以用于过去时态,现在时态和将来时态。  You should wake up. It is almost 8.00 am. 你应该醒来了。现在差不多8点了。  My sister should have called me last week. 我妹妹应该在上周已经给我打电话  People really should start cleaning up after themselves. 人们真的应该开始清理自己。