【英文绘本】the enormous turnip拔萝卜

【英文绘本】the enormous turnip拔萝卜

2018-04-06    04'00''

主播: 悦芽子

905 3

第一次读【英文绘本】 被故事萌到了 the enormous turnip拔萝卜 Once upon atime a little old man planted aturnip seed. 很久很久以前,有一个小老头, 他种了一颗白萝卜种子。 The turnip grew and grew into a great big enormous turnip. 这个白萝卜长啊长啊,长成了一个 十分巨大的白萝卜。 One day the little old man trued to pull up the turnip. 一天,小老头想把这个白萝卜拔出来。 He pulled and he pulled but he could not pull up the great big enormous turnip. 他使劲拔啊拔啊, 却没能把巨大的白萝卜拔出来。 The little old man saw the little old woman. 小老头看见了小老太太。 “Will you help me to pull up the turnip?” said the little old man. 小老头问:“您能帮我把这个萝卜拔出来吗?” And the little old woman said. 小老太太说: “Yes,I will help you.” "好的,我来帮助你。" So the little old man and the little old woman tried to pull up the turnip. 于是,小老头和小老太太一起 试着拔这个白萝卜。 They pulled and they pulled but they could not pull up the great big enormous turnip. 他们使劲拔啊拔啊,却还是没能把巨大的白萝卜拔出来。 Then the little old man saw the dog. 然后,小老头看见了一只小狗。 “Will you help me to pull up the turnip?” said the little old man. 小老头问:“你能帮我 把这个白萝卜拔出来吗?” And the dog said. 小狗说: “Yes I willhep you.” "好的,我来帮助你。" So the little old man,the little old woman and the dog tried to pull up the turnip. 于是,小老头、小老太太和小狗一起试着拔这个白萝卜。 They pulled and they pulled but they could not pull up the great big enormous turnip. 他们使劲拔啊拔啊,可是还是没能把巨大的白萝卜拔出来。 Then the little old man saw the cat. 然后,小老头看见了一只小猫。 "Will you help me to pull up the turnip?" said the little old man. 小老头问:“你能帮我 把这个白萝卜拔出来吗?” And the cat said. 小猫说: “Yes, I will help you.” "好的,我来帮助你。" So the little old man,the little old woman,the dog and the cat tried to pull up the turnip. 于是,小老头、小老太太、小狗和小猫一起试着拔这个白萝卜。 They pulled and they pulled but they could not pull up the great big enormous turnip. 他们使劲拔啊拔啊,可是仍然没能把巨大的白萝卜拔出来。 Then the little old man saw the mouse. 后来,小老头看见了一只小老鼠。 “Will you help me to pull up the turnip?” said the little old man. 小老头问:“你能帮我 把这个白萝卜拔出来吗?” And the mouse said. 小老鼠说: “Yes, I will help you.” "好的,我来帮助你。" So the little old man, the little old woman,the dog,the cat and the mouse all tried to pull up the turnip. 于是,小老头、小老太太、小狗、小猫和小老鼠全都一起试着拔这个白萝卜。 They pulled and they pulled and they pulled,and then,POP! 他们使劲拔啊拔啊,然后,砰! Out came the great big enormous turnip. 巨大的白萝卜被拔出来了。 The little old man,the little old woman,the dog,the cat and the mouse all fell over and they said. 小老头、小老太太、小狗、小猫和小老鼠都跌倒在地上,他们大喊: “Help!” "Help!" "Help!" "Help!" "Help!" "救命啊!" The dog,the cat and the mouse helped the little old man and the little old woman to put the enormous turnip into the enormous pot. 小狗、小猫和小老鼠帮助小老头和小老太太把巨大的白萝卜放进了一口巨大的锅里。 The turnip cooked and cooked and when it was ready they each had a bowl of delicious turnip soup and they said. 白萝卜煮啊煮啊,煮好了以后,他们一人盛了一碗美味的白萝卜汤,他们都说: “Yum!” “Yum!” “Yum!” “Yum!” “Yum!” “真好吃!” BGM:武部聡志 - coquelicot 25;佐藤直紀 - Okamochi & Jersey