【跟Annie练口语】 B-美国俚语

【跟Annie练口语】 B-美国俚语

2016-12-31    04'10''

主播: 跟Annie练口语

442 15

Let's get started! 1. barf = vomited = throw up 呕吐 He barfed all over the seat of the airplane. 他吐得整个飞机的座位上。 2. beat = exhausted 疲惫的 After working all day I am really beat. 工作了一整天,我非常的累。 3. beemer = B.M.W. car 宝马 He just bought a new beemer. 他刚买了新的宝马车。 4. bent = angry 生气的 It's ok. Don't get so bent. 没关系,别生这么大的气。 5. big gun = powerful people 有势力的人 The president brought two big guns to the meeting. 总统带两位有势力的人参加了会议。 6. big mouth = talk too much 话多的人 Shut up! You really have a big mouth. 闭嘴!你话可真多。 7. blow = leave 离开 I'm going to blow out of here now. 我正打算离开这里。 8. blow = lost 遗失 He blew all his money gambling. 因为赌博他输光了钱。 9. bomb = bad 不好 =excellent 极好的 I hate that movie! It was a total bomb! 我不喜欢这部电影!这部电影很烂! I loved that movie! It was the bomb! 我喜欢那部电影!那部电影很优秀! 10. bombed = intoxicated 喝醉的 The driver of the car was bombed. 这辆车的司机喝醉了。 11. bummer = bad experience 不愉快的经历 My trip to New york was a bummer. 去纽约旅游真是糟透了。 12. bust = failure 失败 The whole idea was a bust. 整个计划失败。 13. buck = dollar 美元 He gave me 10 bucks to do this. 他给我10美元让我做这个。