【跟Annie练口语】screw, suck 用法

【跟Annie练口语】screw, suck 用法

2017-01-11    02'34''

主播: 跟Annie练口语

721 15

screw = fuck (F word) = go to hell Screw you! = Fuck you! 去你的!给我滚蛋! 2. screw around = playing, or waste time 鬼混
 You need to stop screwing around and get back to work! 不要在鬼魂,回来工作!
 3. screw up = make a mistake = mess up = fuck up 弄糟 
If you screw up one more time, I will fire you. 如果你再搞砸了,我会开除你。 4. suck = terrible 糟糕 My life sucks. 我的生活很无趣/很糟糕。 5. sucker = anyone who falls for scams and tricks 容易受骗的人 
Don&`&t be a sucker. 别当一个傻瓜。不要当容易受骗的人。 sucker = to love something obsessively 非常着迷 I'm a sucker for action movie. 我对动作片非常入迷。 6. suck it up = deal with something unpleasant without complaining 忍耐,别抱怨,算了吧 She couldn't afford to buy a new dress, so she had to suck it up. 她买不起新的连衣裙,所以她得忍着。 To be successful, sometimes we have to suck it up and do what's necessary. 为了成功,我们有时只得忍着去做有必要的。 Suck it up. There is nothing we can do for him. 算了吧。对于他我们是无能为力了。