for real english2 p46阅读精讲

for real english2 p46阅读精讲

2019-04-17    15'33''

主播: Fiona笑笑

173 1

The tube: useful information 1.buying tickets The Underground has ticket zones with different fares. You can buy different sorts of tickets,e.g. a single, a return, a One Day or Weekend Travelcard.The best value card is an Oyster card.In the ticket Hall there is a ticket office but most people use the ticket machines. You can pay with coins,notes or a credit card. 2. Finding your way around Signs tell you the directions of the trains.Before you start, look at the map and check if your train is Northbound, Southbound, Eastbound or Westbound. The last station on your line is its destination. 3.Getting to the platform On the escalator people stand on the right. They walk on the left side.Smoking isn't allowed in the stations. 4.On the platform On the platform stand behind the yellow lines. Look at the displays for the next train and its destination. Don't go onto the railway line because the rail is electrified. The announcement 'Mind the gap' warns people when they get on and get off the train. There is often a big gap between the train and platform. 5.On the train The announcement 'Stand clear of the doors' means the doors are about to close.Londoners read on the Underground or talk quietly. They don't make much eye contact or start conversations. 6.Leaving the station There are no litter bins on the stations so take litter away with you. You need your ticket or Oyster card to get through the barriers so have it ready.