Get under one's skin 让某人心烦,惹恼某人

Get under one's skin 让某人心烦,惹恼某人

2017-01-02    02'10''

主播: 好莱坞英语A

156 9

获取更多地道英语学习资源,请关注微信公众号好莱坞英语。 Get Under One's Skin to bother , irritate or annoy someone. 刺激某人,激怒某人,让某人心烦,影响某人情绪 例句: 1, Amy is so annoying . She really gets under my skin . Amy真让人很烦。我都快被她烦死了。 2, You asked her too many questions . You may have gotten under her skin . 你问她太多问题了,她可能都不高兴了。 3, I know I have been very clingy with him lately .But if I fall in love with someone , which I did with him , I want to spend every minute with him . I hope it doesn't get under his skin . 我知道近来我很粘着他。但是当我爱上一个人的时候,就像我和他现在,我想每分钟都能和他度过。希望这不会给他带来困扰。 Dialogue: A: I got to admit, this was a new one. The whole TV show thing got under my skin a little bit . 我得承认,这个新玩意,这个电视剧的事让我略有不爽。 B: Why is that ? 为什么? A: There's a TV in every home . 因为现在每家每户都有电视。
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