Be a friend. You don't need money; 作为一个朋友,你不需要金钱财产; Just a disposition sunny; 只要你有着性情上的温暖阳光; Just the wish to help another, 只要你有乐于助人愿望。 Get along some way or other; 要以各种方式与人融洽相处; Just a kindly hand extended 只是需要你伸出体贴温柔的臂膀。 Out to one who's unbefriended; 对于那些寡朋少友的人们,   Just the will to give or lend, 仅仅需要你有赠与和借出的愿望。   This will make you someone's friend. 这种愿望会使你成为某些人的知心友朋。 Be a friend. You don't need glory. 作为一个朋友,你不需要荣誉和赞扬。 Friendship is a simple story. 友谊只是一个简单朴实的过程, Pass by trifling errors blindly, 放过因轻率所犯下的微小差错。 Gaze on honest effort kindly, 亲切地注意切切实实所尽的力量。 Cheer the youth who's bravely trying, 愉快地欢迎年轻人勇敢的尝试,   Pity him who's sadly sighing 同情怜悯某些人哀伤的悲叹。 Just a little labor spend 为了尽朋友应该负起的责任,   On the duties of a friend. 苦口婆心把工夫花在他们身上。 Be a friend. The pay is bigger 作为一个朋友,赋给要多于他们从 Than is earned by people clever 更聪明人那里所取得的补偿。   In what's merely self-endeavor. 在那只有自我奋斗的地方, You'll have friends instead of neighbors 有了朋友就可以替代左邻右坊。 For the profits of your labors; 由于你所花功夫所获得的好处, You'll be richer in the end 最终你将成为更富有的人在这世界上。 Than a prince, if you're a friend. 比得过当上王子,假如作为一个朋友你称得上。 作者:埃德加·格斯
上一期: Autumn leaves
下一期: 苏轼 定风波