金银岛Treasure Island chapter 1 half

金银岛Treasure Island chapter 1 half

2016-01-12    02'14''

主播: 湘飒沁笙

263 16

The map 地图 I'm a scary pirate! let's drink rum! 我是一个令人害怕的海盗。来来来,喝朗姆酒吧! RUM, 朗姆酒 Jim bring that old pirate to his room. Okay,Mom. 吉姆,把那个老海盗带到他的房间去。好的,妈妈。 I'm a friend of that famous old pirate. He gave me a nice present! 我是那个著名的老海盗的朋友,他给了我一件非常好的礼物。 stop drinking and pay your tab. 不要再喝了,快把酒钱给我。 Ha ha ha Jim ,good lad.Don't worry , There's a lot of treasure in the chest. 哈哈哈,好小伙儿,别担心,我箱子里装着许许多多的钱。 SWEEP SWEEP 洗洗 擦擦 When will that guest upstairs pay his tab? 楼上那位客人什么时候才会付酒钱呀? We've lost all our other guests because of him.We are going to be in big trouble. 就因为他,我们其他客人都走掉了,我们要遇到大麻烦。 You know the chest in his room don't you? 你知道他房间里放着的箱子吧? The one he brought with him when he came here? 是他来这儿的时候带的那个吗? He always brags that there's a lot of treasure in the chest. 他经常吹牛说里面有许多财宝。 WNOOSN 嘶嘶嘶 His room is upstairs. 他的房间在楼上。 I'll run away with that chest. 我会把箱子带走的。 Okay.I'll get rid of him. 好的,到时候我也会逃脱的。 WNOOSN 嘶嘶嘶 Ha ha ha,I'm finally going to get my hands on a map of the Treasure Island. 哈哈哈,我终于快拿到金银岛的地图了!